Farming extra
Farming first aid on YP

AUSTRALIAN Red Cross, in conjunction with Weavers Agricultural Bureau, held two farming first aid training days recently.
The booked-out sessions were held at Warooka and Maitland and helped attendees develop skills and improve farm and rural workplace safety.
Participants were provided with the knowledge and skills to assist themselves, and others, to cope with accidents and injury both from a physical and mental wellbeing perspective.
Red Cross recovery project officer Linda McCabe said she was pleased with the uptake of the sessions.
"We had 22 people attend the course in Warooka and 22 people at Maitland including eight agricultural studies students," Mrs McCabe said.
"It has been really good to be able to offer the course to students which is something we will look at doing again.
"This is the first time we have rolled this out here and it has been amazing ... we have people from all different farming industries."
Mrs McCabe said it wasn't just farmers attending but also children and spouses.
"They were essentially learning about CPR but also in the context of farming accidents such as snake bites, trauma and burns," she said.
"The afternoon session included a few hours about health and wellbeing in a rural setting where everyone received a handbook to take away.
"We also invited CFS community engagement officers for lunch so they could start getting to know the community.
"We are hoping this will be the first of many and it has also been a great opportunity for people to get together."

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