BEST BUY... Graham Cook of Pangari, Minlaton, Carricowie stud principal Bronte Blyth and Nutrien Livestock’s Julian Burke with the top-priced ram at the 2023 Carricowie on-property sale.
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CARRICOWIE Poll Merino Stud at Brentwood is celebrating 40 years of breeding fast-growing, heavy cutting sheep that produce high quality wool.
The stud is holding its annual on-property auction on Tuesday, August 13
“Our aim is to breed a fast-growing animal without compromising on wool cut or quality,” said owner Bronte Blyth.
“We use an artificial insemination program each year to achieve our objectives, which are to breed big framed, heavy wool cutting sheep with bright white wool – in essence a dual-purpose animal.”
Carricowie is offering 80 well-grown young rams, aged 14 to 15 months old, in the main auction with another 50 available for private selection.
“Last year, our auction rams sold to an average of $1535 and a top price of $4600,” Mr Blyth said.
“The past 12 months of varying feed quality and quantity, and the weather, has proven how hardy the Merino is.
“In my opinion, there has never been a more exciting time to be a Poll Merino breeder.”
Carricowie stud is Ovine Brucellosis Accredited (certificate number 834) and has been vaccinating against Ovine Johne’s Disease for 18 years.
“This year, we will be displaying sheep at the South East Stud Merino Field Day at Keith, the Northern Areas Field Day at Jamestown, the Royal Adelaide Show and our on property,” Mr Blyth said.
“We look forward to welcoming clients and visitors to our inspection day on Tuesday, August 6 and to the auction a week later.”
For more information, call Bronte on 0429 199 613.