DIVERSITY AT TINTINARA... Good water and flexibility to expand are important assets at Kooringal.
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LOCATED just 10 kilometres southeast of Tintinara, Kooringal is a property where the lucerne keeps on giving — through seed, grazing and hay.
The property’s 767 hectares or 1895 acres have convenient access onto the Duke Highway, agent Greg Window of Spence Dix & Co Property said.
“It possesses a balance of generally open flats with fenced-off sand ridges,” Greg said.
“It generally has grey sandy loams over limestone or clay, with some red/brown loams with limestone influence, with a couple of very useful on-farm rubble sites.
“There is a great fertiliser history, coupled with an agronomist program.
“Lucerne is the key at Kooringal, it just does that well.
“The owners have started a record harvest of lucerne seed, about 1000 acres, including 25ha under pivot with Aurora the lucerne variety of proven performance.”
Kooringal is fenced into 44 main paddocks, plus holding, and raceways, and has an irrigation bore, supplies, stock, domestic and irrigation requirements.
“There is a five-span centre pivot, three-phase 60hp electric motor, plus mains back-up, and good rainwater storage,” Greg said.
“The 171,053kL water licence is a valuable asset, with only a portion of the allocation used, allowing scope for another 19ha centre pivot to be installed.”
Between 1100 and 1300 Merino ewes are carried at Kooringal, as well as four to six paddocks annually of barley, rye, and new lucerne.
“There is a comfortable three-bedroom, solidly constructed home, an elevated three-stand shearing shed, attached implement shedding and workshop shed, plus another implement shed, and pad for a new shed” Greg said.
“A large solar system offsets the irrigation pump, and adjacent to the sheds is an excellent set of bugle style sheep yards, loading ramp, solid steel cattle yards and crush.
“Kooringal is such a well-managed lucerne-based property, it is a crop which truly keeps on giving.
“So if you want to have a grazing operation with bonus income, Kooringal is what you’re looking for.”
Inspection is highly recommended; for more information, contact Greg Window 0427 582 177.