Nominations open for ag town award
1 min read

NOMINATIONS are now open for the South Australian Ag Town of the Year award, now in its fifth year.

The SA Agricultural Town of the Year recognises towns that excel in agricultural practices and the flow-on effect in their surrounding communities.

“The Agricultural Town of the Year Award demonstrates the innovation and world-class agricultural practices pioneered and used across South Australia,” Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven said.

“The award is recognition and an important showcase of South Australia’s regional towns.

“From being a predominantly citrus, stone fruit and milk producing region, last year’s winner, Mypolonga, is now a thriving and diverse agricultural food bowl, growing a vast range of crops and breeding a wide range of livestock.

“South Australia’s regional industries contribute $29 billion to the state’s economy, with agriculture playing a vital role through local employment and business opportunities.

“We strongly believe it’s important to recognise the great resilience, creativity and strength of our regional towns and the award creates a perfect opportunity to do that.”

The winning town will receive town entrance signage recognising the achievement, a certificate and trophy presented by the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, a community event and sign unveiling and a double-page feature in SA LIFE magazine.

Nominations close on June 5 and can be made at agtown.com.au.

The public will then be able to vote to determine the top 10 between June 12 and 26.